March 26, 2025
unnamed - 2023-09-20T201711.992

FORT MYERS, FLA.- Last week, Florida Highway Patrol (FHP), traveling westbound on State Road 80 near East Cowboy Way, observed a black sedan-type vehicle traveling in the eastbound lane at reckless and excessive speeds estimated to be approximately 130 miles per hour (mph) in a 60-mph zone.

The trooper, confirming via radar that the driver was traveling at 126 mph, made a U-turn to initiate a traffic stop of the vehicle. As the trooper attempted to overtake the speeding vehicle, the driver turned south on Wellington Parkway and accelerated, then lost control of the vehicle, now identifiable as a black Ford Mustang with two silver stripes running front to back. The trooper also noticed that the rear bumper cover appeared missing or damaged.

Continuing to follow the Mustang, the trooper activated his lights as the suspect vehicle again accelerated to speeds more than 100 mph, failing to yield for a stop sign at an intersection. The trooper continued following the vehicle; however, it next turned onto a dirt road, usually met by a series of two locked gates. Both gates were unlocked on this date and time, and the suspect vehicle fled on County Road 832.

Several days later, on September 12, 2023, FHP was contacted by Hendry County Sheriff’s Office, who had observed traffic cameras during the incident and observed the tag, confirming it was registered to a 2005 Ford Mustang registered to Riley Crews Gutierrez, 19 years old of Fort Myers.

MustangOn September 13, 2023, members of the FHP Criminal Interdiction Unit (CIU) arrested Gutierrez at his residence. Upon arrival, troopers also located the suspect vehicle and observed that its appearance had been altered, the silver stripes had been painted over, and the hood was removed. He was then transported to Hendry County Jail.

Riley Crews Gutierrez is charged with the following:

  • Flee/Elude with disregard for the safety of persons or officers.
  • Alter/Destroy/Conceal/Remove Physical evidence.
  • Reckless driving, first offense.
  • Violation of FSS 316.187 in excess of 50 miles per hour.
  • Running Stop Sign.

To read more about the dangers of speeding visit: Obeying the Speed Limit – Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (

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